When to use?
- 임의의 한 정점에서 모든 정점으로의 최단 경로 및 비용을 구할 때.
- 특정 출발 지점에서 도착지점까지의 최단 경로 및 비용을 구할 때
# shortest path # greedy
1. Create shortestPath Set, distance array table || (visited array)
2. initialize all vertices with make start node weight '0', reamin node weight 'INF'
3. set || priorityQueue != empty
(a) Pick minimum vertex
(b) check all adjacent edge weight
compare distance [adjacentVertex] vs distance[minimumVertex] + adjacentVertex weight
=> '<' update , >= nothing to do
(c) set.insert || priorityQueue.insert()
⚠️Regardless of kind of graph (either undirected or directed). you need checking exsistence of target vertex in set using find function
∵ There is possibility abscence of vertex (already poped from set or priority queue)
// if already meet visited node-> ignore it since this is undirected graph
if (distanceSet.find(Node{adjacentVertex[DESTINATION_NODE], nodes[adjacentVertex[DESTINATION_NODE]].weight}) == distanceSet.end()) continue;
🖊️ use STL Set || Priority Queue for choosing minimum vertex.
Time Complexity
adjacent matrix -> O (V^2)
adjacent list + Priority Queue || Set -> O(E Log V)
Implement Dijkstra using Set
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